콘서바토리 플룻
- 플루트 지도자과정 세미나-최정연 명지대 교수 2018.11.13
- ANDANTE AND RONDO for Two Flutes and Piano, Opus 25- Franz Doppler 2016.11.07
- SungMin Jo 3th High score Concert 2016.11.05
- 외국인학교,국제학교 Audition & Competition Careers&아이비리그합격리스트 2016.11.05
- Seung Ju Bae 2th distinction 2016.11.05
- Hannah Jo 2th Distinction 2016.11.05
- Soo Yeon Lee High Score Concert 2016.11.05
- Gyu Ri Hwang Music Theory Distinction 2016.11.05
- Gyu Ri Hwang Distinction 5th 2016.11.05
- Letter of appreciaiton for teacher ,distinction student in high score concert 2016.11.05
- ABRSM Teaching career 2016.11.05
- Gyu ri Hwang,10th KIS student, is accepted AMIS 2016.11.05
- Zoomtube extended techniques,modern music 2016.11.05
- Czardas Flute Concert organized "Sungnam teacher association" in korea 0ct 29th 2016 2016.11.05
- 5가지 플룻전문컨설팅 과목 개요 2016.07.05